Sunday, 25 October 2015

Web Design Trends for 2015

Design trends keep changing with time to facilitate a better customer experience. Here are the website design trends for 2015 which need to be kept in mind while designing great websites.

Mobile Friendliness

Responsive websites are the need of the hour. In fact, after 21st April 2015, the non-responsive ones are being penalized by Google in terms of their SEO rankings. It is understandable and the right step towards making the web more mobile friendly. The web users can now expect more mobile friendly experiences as more websites will take note of this development from Google.

Responsive Web Design

The problem with the many websites is that they are not optimized for the mobile and therefore serve as a turn-off, for web visitors and potential customers. It is therefore necessary to redo your website and make it more mobile friendly. This is where the responsive website comes in. A responsive site adapts itself to the display device like your smartphone, tablet or laptop and gives the user a seamlessly smooth, effortless and fast browsing experience.

White Space in Design

Give the elements in your website, some space to breathe. Let them be well spaced and easy on the eyes of the beholder. Don’t allow text to be cluttered all over your web page, just a few lines with a link saying “click here more” or a ‘more’ button  will do the job.

Minimalistic Approach to Design

Make your brand stand out, by using a minimalistic approach. Use only those elements which are necessary in your web page. Remove all the clutter and project your brand identity in a more subtle way.

Prominent Background Picture

Let your website have a nice background picture reflecting your niche or business services. The buttons or menu can appear prominently in the foreground. All elements of the web page are balanced, keeping in mind the background picture.

Parallax Scrolling

Parallax Scrolling is a new technique in web design which uses HTML5 and CSS3 technologies to create interesting effects on a website.  It involves the background moving at a slower rate than the foreground, giving us a 3D effect. However, like all the good things – it shouldn’t be overdone.
A Parallax website makes you get noticed, users can effortlessly scroll down the website and you can get a lot of traffic owing to your popularity.

‘Fix’ the Headers

Use fixed headers on your site. This enables the visitors to scroll down and still choose to navigate conveniently, thanks to the navigation bar which is fixed to the top of your website.

Make it interactive with Widgets

Make your website more interesting to the users. Add interactive widgets like ‘chat with our representative’, FM music, moving or slide show images etc. The bottom line is, engage the visitors and make them come back for more. Make it more interesting with a picture gallery relating to your business.

Single Page Scrolling

This is yet another trend where the website loads itself as a single scrolling page. You don’t have to load a new page every now and then for navigating the website.

Have a Split Screen Landing Page

A split screen landing page is another way to attract the visitor’s undivided attention. Here, the screen is vertically divided into two equal halves. The site elements are ranked in order of prominence according to the structure of the design. If there are two things of equal prominence in that website, then they are also placed side by side and prominence is given to both.

As many business websites will be built or re-designed based on the latest trends, their respective competitors will definitely take notice; therefore the following year will see a boom in design trends. For more information on affordable web design contact WebCanny.


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