Wednesday, 2 December 2015

How Long should it take to Create a Good Logo

A logo identifies your brand. It must be the best possible one, so as to take your business to new levels. One must get a good graphic or web designer on the job. The time it takes to create your logo is well worth it. However it must be done within a month at the most.

A Few Minutes for a Logo

This is a logo which is designed very fast and under a few minutes. It could probably be sketched on a notepad, by the brand owner himself. It could probably be colored quickly using a few sketch pens and sent off to the designer for digitization. It probably lacks the refinement that comes after careful application of thoughts.

Logo Design in a Day

A logo can be designed again on an urgent basis, probably in a few hours. However, the logo design process must include careful consideration of the media which will be used. Logo must be designed keeping in mind –the websites, outdoor signage, t-shirt print, embroidered logo, indoor poster, business card etc. If a logo is not designed considering all options, it may again need to be altered and thus the company may require rebranding across all business collaterals which can be more expensive and time consuming; taking the time to design a logo is well worth the research and time.

Logos which take a Few Days

When you design a logo, you usually come up with many initial sketches. Some of those impulsive ideas may wear out after a few days, as you narrow in towards the right design. Different fonts are tried out and the best one is selected. Color combinations also need to be checked and the right one needs to be chosen.

Design Process lasting a few Weeks

Taking a few weeks for designing will help you come up with the best logo for your company. Following this idea has the following advantages.

The logo artist will have ample time to research on the design brief and come up with preliminary sketches or concept. The design is refined and colors are added to it. The font is also decided for the particular logo. Finally the logo samples are made ready for approval; suggestions are taken. Once the concerned person in authority gives the go-ahead, the design is finalized. The above process should not take more than a month.

A logo must align itself with the company values. The intended audience also should identify itself with the logo. The logo must thus create the right impression about the company. We can thus conclude that the best designs are those which are thoughtfully designed in a month.  For more information on web designing services contact Webcanny.

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